Ethics & Anti-Corruption Compliance – Training & Development
TNA Global Consult organizes and carries out Ethics & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training and Coaching Workshops to raise awareness amongst management and employees about the global fight against corruption. With decades of experience, our team confidently delivers professional services to our clients in Canada, USA, Europe and MENA areas in the fields of:
Ethics & Anti-Corruption Compliance Training
Corruption Risk Assessment
Development and Implementation of Programs
ISO 19600 & 37001
Health – Safety
Online Training Courses
We assist businesses on assessing the real threat corruption and fraud can have on their reputation and bottom line, while consulting to create real life programs that provide protection against such threats. Add to that our expert training programs to ensure all team members are working toward the same goal and we create long-term relationships in businesses across the world.
We work to build trust, enhance your reputation and protect the financial health of your business.
The team at TNA Global Consult completely transformed my business to identify and address where we were at risk for corruption. Now our team works diligently to ensure that the entire team is committed to our ethics and anti-corruption policies with each activity we undertake. We are a stronger business because of TNA Global Consult.